Suchergebnisse mit Tag „debug“


Remote debugging Perl scripts without SSH access

I'm used to use dedicated or at least virtual servers for projects, but currently, I'm working on two projects which are using simple webspace instead without SSH access. A cgi-bin directory is all you need for Perl, but what happens, if a script dies without an error message?

Never trust your data

Warnings aren't useless, they may be hints to invisible problems - which could become "big trouble" lateron. Recently, I was trying to track down a warning which didn't make any sense.

Get server-side message-id or server response from Net::SMTP

Sending important mails leads sooner or later makes you search for your mails throughout the logs of your mailserver. Using the unique mail id assigned by the mail server makes things much easier.

Sending mails with Net::SMTP is pretty easy, but it won't show the server reply (containing the assigned transmission id).
