Suchergebnisse mit Tag „dns“


SPF: ~all vs. ?all

Dazugelernt am Wochenende: Der Unterschied zwischen ~all (Tilde) und ?all (Fragezeichen) im SPF-Record. 


Parallel DNS lookups using AnyEvent

Perl has a great asynchronous library: AnyEvent. (There may be even more great asynchronous libraries, but it decided to use AnyEvent.) I recently had to lookup a lot of different hostnames and didn't want to do it sequentially (because every single DNS server might be down or wait until the reply is received).


Add custom items to Ubuntu NM dnsmasq.conf

The Ubuntu NetworkManager (NM) is great (exept for servers), it's taking care of all network issues up to VPN. NM supports using multiple network connections with multiple DNS servers and probably multiple private domains by running a local DNSmasq process which will forward all lookup requests to the proper nameserver. But the NM is new and still missing some feature - like additional or custom configuration lines for DNSmasq.